After selecting the source to be backed up and specifying the target for the backup, you configure the backup settings in the File/Drive Backup – Please configure your backup screen and start the backup process.   
The following setting options are available in the Backup type and name area:
Select backup type
Specifies the type of backup. Four types are available: Full backup, Backup update, Incremental backup and Differential backup.
These entries are only available if you are scheduling the file backup (i.e. carrying out the same backup at a later point in time). The drive backup is always a Full backup. 
Backup name
Specifies the name of the backup.
The following setting options are available in the Time schedule area:
Time schedule
Specifies when and with what frequency backups are made. The fol-lowing entries are available:  
Once: Makes exactly one backup.
Daily: Makes daily backups.
Weekly: Makes weekly backups on one or more defined days (e.g. every Tuesday and Thursday).
Monthly: Makes monthly backups.
When Idle: Starts the backup when the computer is inactive, i.e. no applications are active and there is no user input.
At System Startup: Starts the backup when the operating system is started.
At Log on: Starts the backup when you log into the system.
Not Scheduled: Makes immediately one backup, you cannot schedule it.
On Directory change: Starts the backup when the source of the backup was changed.
Opens the Define time schedule window. Here you can specify e.g. the start date and time for the (first) backup.
The button is available for the schedule types Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Idle.
The following setting options are available in the Options area:
Select compression
Compresses the data before backup. Select the compression level here.  
Select encryption
Activates the encryption function so that you can encrypt the backup with a password by using the input fields below. Choose between the traditional encryption procedure or the AES encryption procedure.  
Password / Verify Password
Specifies the encryption password. (This password is required when the backup is restored at a later point in time!)
Password hint
Allows you to define a hint that will help you if you forgot the password.
Enable verify after backup
Verifies that the data is complete and correct after backup.  
Shutdown PC after backup
Automatically shuts down the PC after the backup process has ended.  


The option to shut down the computer after a job has been finished can be selected at any time in the context menu of Nero BackItUp Agent. The Nero BackItUp Agent is available in your computer’s notification area.
See also
Backup and Restore Expert Options Overview

Backup Settings Screen