By starting Nero BackItUp for the first time, the Easy Setup wizard will be opened automatically. It will guide you to turn on Autobackup. You can set up Autobackup to automatically back up files and folders to a local or external hard drive. Nero BackItUp regularly backs up all folders on all hard drives in a defined sequence. You can also choose individual folders and define your own time schedule at any time within the application.   


Autobackup formats the external or internal hard drive with the NTFS file system if it is formatted with another file system. In this case, all data on this drive will be lost.


Use only hard drive with more than 4GB
If you want to use an external hard drive which is not formatted with the NTFS file system, make sure that its space has more than 4 GB.
Formatting with the NTFS file system and thus using the Autobackup feature is not possible for some external hard drives (e.g. flash drive or USB stick) with a space less than 4 GB due to technical hard ware restrictions, and may cause serious problems on the existing file system.
Proceed as follows:
Connect the external hard drive you want to use as target. (We recommend it to be empty and to be formatted with the NTFS file system.)
Double-click the  Nero BackItUp backitup%2024 18014399058058379 Easy Setup Wizard Nero BackItUp icon.
If you are going to start Nero BackItUp for the first time, the Easy Setup wizard is opened automatically.
The Easy Setup wizard displays possible targets. The best target is automatically pre-selected.
Select the desired target.


If you want to turn on Autobackup later, select the Skip setup Autobackup option button.
Click the  Nero BackItUp backup now24 389988107 Easy Setup Wizard button.
The first full backup is carried out saving all folders to the chosen hard drive.
The Easy Setup wizard is closed and Nero BackItUp is opened.
You have set up Autobackup carrying out a first full backup. Autobackup will carry out the backup updates automatically due to the specified settings.
To be fully saved we recommend making a complete drive backup now using Nero BackItUp to backup also your programs and your operating system. We also recommend to create a disc including Nero BackItUp ImageTool, your disaster recovery tool that you can use in case of a system crash or other damage to reboot and restore your operating system.

Easy Setup Wizard