The Nero BackItUp user interface is the starting point for backups, restores, syncs, and any other task that you can carry out with Nero BackItUp.  
You can start the task via the drop-down menus on the top side of the window. There is also the possibility to open the options and the help. In the left margin of the window you always have an area which gives you information about the steps and tasks you are fulfilling.
The following menus are available on the top side of the window:
Provides backup facilities such as backing up files, backing up drives, setting up Autobackup, or verifying backups. You can also open the Job list screen for backup jobs here.
Provides restore facilities such as restoring file and drive backups.
Provides sync facilities such as creating a new sync job. You can also open the Job list screen for sync jobs here.
Provides the options to create a bootable disc including the Nero BackItUp ImageTool and to create the standalone tool Nero BackItUp SyncTool. You can also erase a rewritable disc and display disc information.  
The following icons are available on the top side of the window:
Displays the start screen.
Opens the Options window.
Displays help options. You can also enter a new serial number if necessary.
The following areas are available on the left side of the window:
Job Overview
Shows jobs that have been carried out recently, the currently carried out job, and the next jobs that are planned. You can open the Job list screen by clicking on a job.  
Only available in the start screen and the Job list screen.
Provides an overview of the necessary steps to complete the current task. 
Not available in the start screen and the Job list screen.
Shows cumulated information related to the current task.
Not available in the start screen and the Job list screen.
Burn & Recover
 Nero BackItUp icn express en us 9007199721465867 User Interface – Starts Nero Express.
 Nero BackItUp icn rescueagent en us 9007199721463051 User Interface- Starts Nero RescueAgent.
Shows planed and finished backup jobs in a calendar view. You can open the calendar and the job list by clicking on a day. 
Copying data from the computer to an alternative storage medium. Backups are created in a special format with the help of a backup program.
Restore stands for restoring data to a previous condition or to copying data by using a backup copy that was created previously and a backup program, e.g. Nero BackItUp.

User Interface